Thursday, May 2, 2024

Database Structure and Design Tutorial

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In the case of relational databases the storage objects are tables which store data in rows and columns. In an Object database the storage objects correspond directly to the objects used by the Object-oriented programming language used to write the applications that will manage and access the data. The relationships may be defined as attributes of the object classes involved or as methods that operate on the object classes. The process involves two primary stages – logical and physical data models. The logical model focuses solely on what data needs to be stored without considering how or where it will be physically stored.

More About Database Design Principles

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Properly designed database are easy to maintain, improves data consistency and are cost effective in terms of disk storage space. The database designer decides how the data elements correlate and what data must be stored. The key objectives when designing databases in DBMS are to create logical and physical designs models for your proposed system. The logical model is all about focusing on the data requirements and the specific data which needs storing – without considering its physical storage.

Logical & Physical Design

Bringing a data model to 3NF maintains data integrity, reduces redundancy, and optimizes the storage space occupied by the database. The lower normal forms (1NF and 2NF) are intermediate steps towards 3NF, while the higher normal forms (4NF and 5NF) are rarely used. Read our article on normalization and the three normal forms for more information. By establishing relationships between tables using foreign keys and primary keys, we make use of the database engine’s resources to ensure data integrity. This also improves the performance of queries and other database operations.

Many-to-many relationships

As your business requirements change, your database design should be reviewed and updated accordingly. Regularly reviewing and updating your design ensures your database remains effective and relevant. When given the choice, pick an appropriate database management system based on cost, operating systems, features, and more. An index is essentially a sorted copy of one or more columns, with the values either in ascending or descending order. Instead of re-sorting for each query, the system can access records in the order specified by the index. This information will later become part of the data dictionary, which outlines the tables and fields within the database.

With a clear understanding of your requirements and identified entities, it's time to create your database structure. On small database systems, the process of database design is usually very simple and does not involve a lot of steps. The referential integrity rule requires each foreign key listed in one table to be matched with one primary key in the table it references. If the primary key changes or is deleted, those changes will need to be implemented wherever that key is referenced throughout the database.

How to Design a Database: Steps of Designing Database

db design

Without them, you’re essentially navigating a ship without a compass. The physical data design model involves translating the logical DB design of the database onto physical media using hardware resources and software systems such as database management systems (DBMS). Diving into database design, I’ve realized there are various types of data models.

db design

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Essentially, data models define how the logical structure of a database is modeled. They’re fundamental to understanding how information is stored, processed and accessed. Database designing generally starts with identifying the purpose of your database. Next, you specify the primary keys and analyze relationships between different tables for an efficient data design.

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When defining each column in a table, you must establish whether it supports null values. You should only allow the column to support null values if you’re certain that, at some point, the value of that column may be unknown, missing, or not applicable. If you’re new to database design, you may want to start with our article on how to learn database design.

Wrapping Up: Mastering Database Design in DBMS Tutorial

A systematic approach removes redundancy and unwanted characteristics, such as Insertion, Update, and Deletion irregularities. After dividing data into tables, information needs to be brought together in a meaningful manner. So, you can explore each table and Identify the connection between the tables. If required, you can add fields or form new tables to simplify the relationship based on the types of information.

For this reason, order numbers and usernames make good primary keys, while telephone numbers or street addresses do not. You can also use multiple fields in conjunction as the primary key (this is known as a composite key). Finally, you should decide which attribute or attributes will serve as the primary key for each table, if any. A primary key (PK) is a unique identifier for a given entity, meaning that you could pick out an exact customer even if you only knew that value. Within a database, related data are grouped into tables, each of which consists of rows (also called tuples) and columns, like a spreadsheet.

For example, a table of employees might have an attribute “manager” that refers to another individual in that same table. Once you know what kinds of data the database will include, where that data comes from, and how it will be used, you’re ready to start planning out the actual database. Attributes in ER diagrams are usually modeled as an oval with the name of the attribute, linked to the entity or relationship that contains the attribute.

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