Thursday, January 21, 2021

Home Theater Multiple Subwoofer Set-Up & Calibration Guide

Then feed the subs by high level connections as a seperate stereo pair. (one to each channel L & R) It shouldn't make much difference whether you run the speakers off the same amplifier terminals as the subs. If you can't move your subs to improve bass performance, try moving your seats a couple of feet forward or backwards. The single biggest obstacle is that most home stereos, home theater receivers, and home amplifiers can’t handle the 4 ohm speaker load of many car subwoofers.

how to hook up 2 subwoofers home theater

But placement will probably make as much or more of a difference than any DSP. It should only be altered if its beneficial which is usually not the case. I did mention this in the article under Advanced Calibration tips.

Home Theater Receiver or Processor Setup

Additionally, dust can affect the quality of your speaker terminals and wire connections. Use a dusting wand and microfiber cloth to give your speaker system a weekly wipe-down. Run a single RCA cable from the connected subwoofer to the subwoofer input on the second subwoofer. Look at the back of your AV receiver and spot the subwoofer outputs.

If the subwoofer's LINE IN uses RCA cables and the subwoofer out on the receiver/amplifier also uses RCA, plug it in using an RCA cable. If the cable is split on one end (a y-cable for both right and left channels), plug it in the R and L ports on the subwoofer. If the receiver/amplifier also has left and right RCA plugs for subwoofer output, be sure to also plug in both to the receiver.

How Do I connect a Klipsch Soundbar Subwoofer to a Second Subwoofer?

We recommend avoiding this option for four subs unless you are stacking them for two locations or if your primary goal is the absolute best seat to seat consistency over maximum output. Sometimes a receiver or amplifier does not have the LFE subwoofer output, and sometimes the subwoofer doesn't have the LFE input. Instead, the subwoofer might have right and left stereo RCA connectors or spring clips like you see on the back of standard speakers. Using a subwoofer cable , connect the subwoofer to the AV receiver by running the cable from the receiver’s subwoofer output to the subwoofer’s line input. Klipsch subwoofers can be connected via the LFE channel, the white RCA connection, or in a stereo pair by using both the white and red RCA connections. If you can't achieve proper integration, you will have to consider moving the sub to a more optimal location.

how to hook up 2 subwoofers home theater

We like them because they are very easy to service and make changing things out as you upgrade super simple. Today’s home theater receivers come with so many features, they can make your head spin. Just take a look at the specs on any brand’s website and you’ll probably see more than 50 features listed in the long list of advantages the brand is pitching you. Sure you want all of the latest and greatest, but in the end, room EQ optimization i...

How to Set Up Your Subwoofers

For a bit more “punch” that requires extra bass (especially the bass & thuds from DVD or BlueRay video sound) 50W+ would be much better. While I realize you might not want to have to spend money & wait for the stuff to arrive, it’s definitely worth thinking about. Using the correct Ohm load means you’ll get the rated power – and as you might guess – the maximum volume possible. A good quality subwoofer can run into the thousands of dollars, although most people are content with one in the hundreds. It almost doesn’t need saying that the likelihood of 2 subwoofers being more expensive than one is quite high. Headroom is one of those audio terms that’s thrown around in the home theater world without too much meaning.

But, they can be a useful tool in helping to improve bass response, though they go beyond the scope of this article. You can read many articles on bass traps in our Acoustics section of the website. I suggest if at all possible to select a rectangular room for your theater room.

Home Theater Subwoofer Placement Options

Most of us don't have dedicated rectangular shaped rooms for home theater but instead have multi-purpose recreational rooms that double as a theater room. My hat's off to the fortunate ones, and you probably don't need to read this article since you never get pimples, you never get sick, and your theater room is perfectly calibrated just by plugging it in. For the rest of us, my advice and calibration tips in this article could prove invaluable to you and save you countless hours of frustration. Trust me, I've been down that road before and I didn't come to these conclusions in haste. Like a dog chasing his tail, I was relentlessly spinning my wheels trying to get the perfect calibration until I came up with a methodical approach that not only saved time but saved my sanity as well. Many of the suggestions and placement tips in this article assume a perfectly rectangular room but also serve as a starting point for any room.

how to hook up 2 subwoofers home theater

As most AV receivers will only have 1 subwoofer port , you’ll need to buy something like an RCA splitter so you can connect the 2 subwoofers to the same input port. I want to hook up 2 passive subwoofers, one for each speaker but am unsure of the best way to wire them. In other words if your amp wall is 20 ft wide, place each you about 5 ft from each side wall close to the front wall. Figure 1 works extremely well especially if you only have ohm row of seating located a few feet off amp back wall.

How to Use Two Subwoofers with a Home Theater

The good news is that for casual listening you don’t need a ton of power like you do for cars and truck use. As stated, this is much harder to manage properly with several subwoofers. Several badly placed subwoofers will have a much greater impact on overall sound quality than a single badly placed one.

how to hook up 2 subwoofers home theater

If you follow these tips, you can substantially improve your home theater or media room. This tip breaks down how to get the perfect sharpness settings on your television or front projector. If you have two subs with no adjustments, but your receiver or processor has independent distances, follow the same steps just using the distance instead of phase for each one. If you have not read our article on subwoofer placement please do so before proceeding with the next step. You want to first place your subwoofer or subwoofers in the best spots possible in the room and then move on to sub EQ calibration below. Dirt and dust can build up over time and seep into the internals of your speaker system.

How To Perfectly Set Lip Sync Calibration In Your Home Theater

For instances where more output is needed, you can exceed the four sub rule as long as you limit your placements to up to four locations. So in such cases you can stack subwoofers on top of each other in the locations that are best suited for optimal performance. With any subwoofer, turn the device around and pay attention to the rear panel. A lot of subs use a simple, single cable setup, so all you need to do is connect your device to its relevant hookup port. These may be labeled as “LFE,” “Direct,” or “Bypass.” You’ll want the volume all the way up at first in order to make fine-tuning the device easier.

how to hook up 2 subwoofers home theater

If your subs are properly summing together, you will potentially gain up to 6dB for every doubling of subwoofers used minus the loss for mode cancellations. Realize however that anytime you vary time delay, phase or EQ for just a single sub you potentially reduce the effectiveness of standing wave reduction or modal reduction. Be careful not to cancel the modal reducing benefits of multi subs while also endlessly chasing your tail in search of the best settings! The goal is to time align the subs to the room which is NOT necessarily the distance to the listening position.

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Maybe you’re wondering if it’s possible to hook up a car subwoofer to a home stereo or amplifierat all. All speakers have an optimum listening area, which is why speaker placement is so important. Ideally all speakers should point to your seating area so that you get the best sound possible. However, this isn’t always doable, particularly if you’re limited by something like where you can actually place your subwoofer. This is because having several subwoofers should drastically reduce, if not completely remove, room resonance. Multiple subwoofers can be positioned properly to take advantage of a room’s acoustics, meaning less reverberation and better quality bass in your listening position.

Follow subwoofer positioning recommendations, perform the proper measurements and always trust your ears. When determining the best subwoofer placement, you should always move your subs around the room to determine how the room affects bass quality. Thus the maximum available output level of four identical subwoofers placed mid-wall will be at best equal to or at worst LESS than one subwoofer located in the front corner.

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