Thursday, January 21, 2021

Pros And Cons Of 2 Or More Subwoofers In Home Theaters

You want to use an RCA cable to run from the subwoofer out on your receiver to your subwoofer. If you have two subwoofers, it is great if your receiver has two subwoofer outputs, but you can still get the benefit of two subs with just one sub out on your receiver. Simply use a high-quality “Y” connector to split the signal and run two cables from there. For home theater, you do not have to worry about this and can just connect to either one. The only exception would be if your sub has one of them labeled “LFE”, in which case you would use that connection.

how to hook up 2 subwoofers home theater

Most of us don't have dedicated rectangular shaped rooms for home theater but instead have multi-purpose recreational rooms that double as a theater room. My hat's off to the fortunate ones, and you probably don't need to read this article since you never get pimples, you never get sick, and your theater room is perfectly calibrated just by plugging it in. For the rest of us, my advice and calibration tips in this article could prove invaluable to you and save you countless hours of frustration. Trust me, I've been down that road before and I didn't come to these conclusions in haste. Like a dog chasing his tail, I was relentlessly spinning my wheels trying to get the perfect calibration until I came up with a methodical approach that not only saved time but saved my sanity as well. Many of the suggestions and placement tips in this article assume a perfectly rectangular room but also serve as a starting point for any room.

How to Connect a Subwoofer: A User’s Guide

The best way of hooking this monoblock with multiple subs hooking positioned and set up. Choosing your subwoofers We get a lot of dual about what types of subs to purchase for a multiple sub setup. Next listen to the seat to seat variation and move the subs along the walls until you achieve the smoothest bass coverage. Being able to move a separate subwoofer around the room to find the best location many times outweighs the benefits of a "built-in" sub.

A subwoofer, like any other speaker, must be powered by an amplified audio signal with a decent amount of wattage in order to produce sound. Examples of line level converters use you can use to get an RCA low-level signal from a home stereo without subwoofer RCA outputs. If you’re lucky enough to own a receiver or home amp with a low-pass crossover built in you can use that instead. In short, if you decide to install a second subwoofer, be sure to do plenty of research about placement options, and consider having a second person handy to be your listener. Aside from the flexibility 2 subwoofers affords in terms of listening area, having several also provides greater flexibility in their physical placement. Simply put, 2 small subwoofers can often fit where 1 big one can’t.

How to Setup and Calibrate a Subwoofer

If your receiver has a separate LFE setting, it's usually best to set it for Hz which will allow hook to reproduce the actual full bandwidth of the LFE channel. Speaker Distance Subwoofers a tape measure, note the subwoofers from each speaker with respect to amp subwoofers mono seat and write it down. Decide how many subwoofers you can afford and logically place in your room. It's usually a good idea to place either two or four subwoofers in your room. Odd multiples of subs don't work out so well in rectangular rooms but they can work just fine in odd shaped rooms without perfect symmetry. We usually don't recommend more than four subwoofers as it's not only overkill but can cause more problems than it solves, especially if the subs are placed in non optimal locations.

So double-check the manual or contact our tech support department to clarify any questions regarding Klipsch subs. When you try to do this with multiple subwoofers then you might be in for an impossible task. Because most speaker systems are designed for one subwoofer , adding another one can tip it off balance, resulting in overly heavy bass. However, by adding an additional fan you increase how much of the room is cooled. This is effectively the same logic behind having multiple subwoofers because you’re expanding the area of sound output. Just want to get the steps down so I'm not doing numerous times to get this right Thanks for any help you can provide.


We are often asked about the difference between sealed and ported subwoofers, and which they should choose for their room. Custom painting your speaker grilles allows you to virtually hide your speakers in plain sight – they’ll blend in with your walls, ceiling, or cabinet for a seamless visual appeal. If you’re reasonably handy, this do-it-yourself guide will walk you through how to custom paint your in-wall or in-ceiling speakers.

You’ll want a good quality one with adjustable output level dials to be sure you don’t have problems with the signal level. They’re especially valuable to have as many vintage or older home stereos don’t have subwoofer outputs. As I mentioned above, adding multiple subwoofers isn’t necessarily about more bass. The main benefit is that it actually improves the quality of the bass you’ll hear in your home theater. There are other options available, such as turning your subwoofers into a wireless system, but by far the easiest option is to just buy a cable splitter.

Set up each sub close to its respective speaker for minimum cancellation. And use an SPL meter and test tones to balance the output from the subs with your speakers by adjusting the sub's gain controls and low-pass roll-off point. A) run a shotgun configuration straight off the amp with 1 cable going to the speakers and 1 to the the subwoofer. I recommend using room mode calculators as a starting point but keep in mind they are only useful for parallel walls in non rectangular rooms.

how to hook up 2 subwoofers home theater

“If you are using an A/V Receiver, it can be quite easy with the auto-EQ functionality that is present on most modern receivers. Simply run this function and then adjust to personal taste afterward. You can also use the manual level matching and crossover settings that are available in these receivers as well. Charleston strongly recommends checking your owner’s manual about connecting to both LFE in and speaker wire inputs. With some older subwoofers, this was listed as "optional" and it's fine to connect to both; however with most subs today, this is not recommended, as it may damage the sub electronics.

how do I hook up two passive subwoofers?

Receive optimal screen size, seating locations, speaker locations, and receive precise measurements for your room layout. Work with our system designers via chat, email, phone, or in-store for expert advice, product selections, and more. For those of you with four subwoofers, you likely have a home theater receiver or processor that has Dirac or Anthem Room Correction and it will do all of the phase adjustments for you. You can hook up two subwoofers to your receiver with an RCA cable splitter or with two separate RCA cables. This is actually a standard specification used to compare speakers and the official name isspeaker sensitivity.

how to hook up 2 subwoofers home theater

That is to say, you can’t hook up a subwoofer to a non-amplified signal output from any stereo or other audio source. You need an amplified speaker output with a fair amount of power in order for it to work ok and sound right. On the downside, home stereos don’t produce anywhere near the power of today’s car amps which typically have at least 75W to 100W or more per channel, if not several times that! On the plus side, when using a subwoofer inside your home you don’t have the terrible acoustical losses that you do in a car or truck. Car subwoofers are very inefficient speakers and are some of the most power-hungry you can find!

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